A downloadable game for Windows

The attic, which has been waiting for a long time to be cleaned, is becoming increasingly unbearable. The constant screams and moans are becoming intolerable. Also, you can't find your cat. Persuaded to confront this aberration, you stand before it armed with... jokes and good vibes? This can't possibly work..


My idea was to create a game that would include some typical abberation phenomenon (ghosts,monsters) and an equally substandard idea for combat (with the help of jokes).  The main goal is to make all of the monsters of laugh(defeat them all). 


(I suggest reading before playing, might help unless you want to figure it out yourself)

The game mechanics are actually a more complicated version of the rock-paper-scissors game. Instead of these signs, Jokes as well as Fears are divided into 3 categories: Speech - Sound - Movement. 

When Enemy has only 3 types of Fears the Player has 9 of them(3*3tiers). Each Tier of Joke deals more JOY(dmg) but all of them are as fragile as Fears. Here is a little table to for better understanding.

ScreamMom JokesLong JokesPuns
Sound RumbleFartLaugh LoudMake funny SFX
MovementChasePants DownDanceImpersonification

Legend For Jokes

Each round, the sides change: you either defend or attack. Regardless of the round, the relationships between Jokes and Fears are consistent and can take one of three options:

  1. If Joke counters Fear, the Fear is completely removed.
  2. If Joke is countered, the Joke is nullified.
  3. If they are the same, the difference is calculated.

Also here i prepared example which helped me a lot during develpoment 😅

Calculating Effects

Each enemy has special taste in Jokes - to be specified 3. They are called WeakPoints. If you deal JOY with this specific type of Joke the amount of JOY you deal will be greatly multiplied. You won't know which Enemy has  which WeakPoint but if you hit one, on your watch you can spot a special animation. Weakpoints can make the game pretty easy. I encourage you to find it yourself (taking notes somewhere might help).

Also you can do Combo if you put in all of the slots the same type of jokes:

  1. Sound Jokes(green) -> Lifesteal
  2. Talk Jokes(red) -> 2xTotalDMG
  3. Move Joeks (blue) -> Nothing for now... maybe vision, idk,  didn't have time

Right now game has only 4 enemies. It can be beaten in 5-10min.


  1. RMB (on Joke in slot) -> add Joke to slot
  2.  RMB + LShift (on Joke in slot)  -> remove Joke from slot
  3. ESC - quit menu + skip intro

Hope you enjoy! :D 

Except for the music (Credits to Ovani Sound) all done by me.

Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


ComedyAttic.rar 49 MB

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